Little Pokemon Trainer!


We picked up Flynn (yes, I named him after Sam Flynn from Tron: Legacy) yesterday. While doing so we visited some family in Toledo and stopped by my grandparents in which they insisted on giving Flynn old toys of my brother’s and I’s from growing up. So now Flynn has a new collection starting of Pokemon plush animals.

Geek Week: Pathfinder and DnD 3.5


This week I am attending four games with friends. I only really get Thursdays and Sundays to myself in which I attend two games a piece of each of the days. While my son is spending time with Nonna, I figured I would do much needed catching up with leveling as I typically am leaving right as the game is done for the night. The character I’m working on the the picture is a Witch named Mesmerelda. She’s my little puppet master. Hope you all have a good night and please, tell me, what was your favorite character to ever play?

Birthday Ideas

So, typically these next few months are rather busy for me when it comes to planning my son’s birthday. Last year was Chuck E. Cheese’s, and all Jake and the Neverland Pirates themed (NEVER AGAIN!). This year is Skylanders themed. But location for me is everything. I have family and friends that come in from Las Vegas, Michigan, Kentucky, and Northern Ohio for the party. I have a lot of kids in my family and money is never a problem when it comes to entertaining for the family and making a memorable birthday party for my little one.

I have thought of Dave and Busters and Game Works. Both were a no because both places hold a bar for adults. Laser tag was an option but honestly how well is my 2 year old going stand against 4-5 year olds? Thought of an indoor trampoline place, that was a possibility. Thought of the zoo, but depending on if it is warm and even open was what will determine if that will happen. A party at home wont suffice as we live in an apartment and simply the room for everyone will be impossible. So please give me ideas on what you think will be fun for a huge group of kids, and ideas of what gifts to give to my little one. Video games, loud sounds, moving toys, and electronics are always a plus when it comes to him.


Can’t believe he’ll soon be two. My little Portal Master and Spyro chilling in the back seat on Christmas morning, heading to Toledo to see Nonna.

Top 10 Car Ride Songs

My family is big on long car rides, we are typically on the road to see other family, photo shoots, and conventions. There’s a 6 hour drive to and from Toledo in a day for us just to go see Nonna. But these are the top 10 songs we listen to in the car on our way to our newest adventure.

1. I Burn (Yellow Trailer) Feat. Casey Lee Williams – Jeff Williams RWBY Soundtrack

2. Simple and Clean – Utada Hikaru Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack

3. Annani Issho Datta No Ni – Gundam Seed Ending 1

4. Let Me Be With You – Chobits Opening 1

5. Butterfly – DDR Remix

6. At the Gala – My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic

7. Kingdom Hearts – Play! A Video Game Symphony

8. Wind – Naruto

9. From Shadows (Black Trailer) Feat. Casey Lee Williams – Jeff Williams RWBY Soundtrack

10. My Dearest – Guilty Crown Opening 1

And there you have it! Hope you enjoy!

New Blog, New Blogger

I decided to start Geek MomĀ when the New Year rang in because I had come to see that a lot of passions that I hold near and dear have also become something of great interest to my soon to be two year old. His love for video games came when Christmas rang in and Disney Infinite and Limited Edition Dark Skylanders Swap-Force were two big presents from Santa. While he still doesn’t fully understand the game play he does love putting characters up on the portals and running them around town. I realized that buying these games meant I was most likely going to fork out a ton of money to see them updated and to give him something new to keep his interest in the game, but I was quite alright with that.

It has come a long way now though. My two year old’s room went from blank white walls and Pooh Bear bedding to Skylanders talking toys, bedding, and huge posters on the walls. It went from carrying a binkie around to Trigger Happy Nerf style guns. It made me sit and think about how much parents actually do influence their children without realizing it. From little odd habits to picked up passions. I have come to realize that I bought an XBox 360 years ago, that sat in a box until just recently and was pulled out to put Skylanders decals on it and put right into the baby’s room. A tablet that I bought for nearly $600 is used more by my son who isn’t even two yet, and so is my Dell Inspiron Mini. I think the only thing I really have to myself is my iPhone and yet I still find myself downloading games for my son on it and debating to buy Skylanders for the iPhone too.

I have also come to realize that I’m actually rather picky as to what I let my child watch. His favorite shows are ones I watched previously as a child. No, not Spongebob, Tom & Jerry, or Loony Toons… He watches Pokemon, Magi Nation, Digimon, and other anime shows that I have found are geared more toward kids. I personally must say that my favorite that he watches is Magi Nation, I can even admit that I’ve learned a lot from the show itself. It teaches him patterns, geography, and much more and I must say it’s quite a relief to a parent to know that their child is watching something that they can learn from, especially at such a young age that is quick to pick up on things. Heck, one of the best days in my old apartment was the last week before moving, my son and I sat down and watched the entire first season of RWBY together in 2-3 hours. It was an amazing bonding experience but on top of it, it made me personally happy that my child was so intrigued by something that I take a personal interest in and we were able to share it together. So without further hesitation I present to you the mind and workings of a Geek Mom and her geek child, soon to be children, hope you enjoy.